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Former residents of 38 Kitty Street. 1st. Story. Mellis - storiy with a happy ending.

Mellis appeared in our neighborhood looking skinny, dirty and with a cut on his tail that was beginning to look infected. As a result of this infection he had to have his tail amputated. I took this beautiful cat in while he recovered from his surgery. He was quite a character and wanted to be the center of attention and the one and only amongst all my other pets. His need for this was so superior that, in order to protect my other pets, I had to let him go outside once in a while and roam the neighborhood again. My search for a home for Mellis was not fruitful at first – nobody wanted a tailless cat. Mellis was getting anxious and would sit in front of the door and watch people come and go. People would not give him a second look and it was brining him down. November rolled around. Right around that time I got in touch with this Turkish family living in Riga. They were in charge of a reconstruction project at the Thermal Power Station and were interested in fostering a pet temporarily. I offered them Mellis and it was his lucky day!

Elcin and Czan turned out to be great foster parents. The cat moved into a lovely apartment in the city center, took walks on a leash in Verman park, relaxed with his parents, got the most delicious treats and received veterinary services from the best professionals. He became the family’s favorite. A year and a half had gone by. The plan was to take Mellis to Turkey once the project in Riga was completed. Unfortunately, the plan changed when the family had found out that they would have to commit to another project in a Third World country. This meant that it would not be safe to bring the cat along. Mellis and I were back to square one…

Mellis’ luck turned around when a woman contacted me inquiring about him. She just went through some awful personal tragedy – her son had gone missing and her beloved cat had passed away. Elcin and Czan drove Mellis 218 km from Riga to Liepaja. They did not come empty-handed and Mellis was delivered to his new home with generous gifts. It was really hard to part ways and say goodbye. There were a lot of tears. Through the tears there was happiness because on that day Mellis has finally found his permanent home. Now Mellis and Dzintara live in perfect harmony. Today Mellis sends his warm wishes to his favorite friends on Facebook.

Thanks to Margarita Atlasova for translation.

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